An increasing number of small business owners are finding they have one pressing thing in common with the corporate giants – keeping up with advances in technology. The rapid pace that technology changes requires time, trained personnel, and most importantly, big budgets.
A recent study found that 49 percent of small business owners see their biggest technological challenge as staying ahead of changes. Here’s why managed IT services are essential for small businesses.
Have a Competitive Edge
According to a 2017 Deloitte survey, digitally advanced small businesses earn double the revenue per employee. That same survey revealed that 8o percent of small businesses have yet to take advantage of the digital tools already available to them.
Leverage New Technology
By implementing managed IT services, you can leverage the same digital tools used by big business to gain a competitive advantage in your marketplace. Researching and implementing new technology requires the internal staff and budget your business can’t afford to share. By working with a Managed Services Provider, you can take advantage of the latest technology with minimal disruption to your staff or bottom line.
Greater Data Security
A good Managed Services Provider stays on top of the latest security threats and takes the steps necessary to ensure your business and customers are safe. Managed IT minimizes your risk by taking proactive security steps to protect your network and the data your valuable customers trust you with.
Predictable Costs
Most small businesses have to call in an outside IT provider if major network updates are needed or if catastrophic issues arise. Even if your business has the in-house IT to handle these issues, the downtime can cost your business the goodwill of your customers and a blow to your ROI.
An MSP is always on call and proactively manages your network. It can address problems quickly and minimize downtime. Rather than face an unexpected bill from an outside contractor, one who doesn’t know your business, you have a trustworthy service with predictable costs.
Each business is unique in its needs. A Managed Services Provider knows there is no one size fits all solution and will tailor a plan that fits your business. If you’re looking to implement managed IT services for your business, contact Atlantic Business Systems today.
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